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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

"So Easy You Won't Believe It" Pulled Pork Sandwiches

The country style pork ribs go on sale quite frequently around here, either around $1.50 a lb or BOGO from time to time.  When that happens I grab a few packages for the freezer, but you can only eat so many BBQ ribs before you get sick of them.  Well, until I get sick of them anyway.  LOL  So I went on the hunt for something else to do with pork ribs that was easy and we had the stuff in the house.  So the S.E.Y.W.B.I. pulled pork sandwich was born, and the trusty `ol crock pot was pressed into service once again. 
So you'd better get a pen or pencil and a piece of paper for this recipe, it's a real complicated one. 

Equipment needed:
Crock pot

Country Style pork chops
one can Coke/Pepsi/cola of some sort
Onions, chopped (optional)
Garlic, minced fresh or powder
BBQ sauce (store bought or your own personal creation)

and that's it.  Oh, but it gets better!  We haven't even gotten to the directions yet! 

So you stuff all the pork ribs (and onions and garlic if you are adding those) in the crock pot, pour the entire can of soda over them, put the cover on and cook on low for 6 to 8 hours.  Walk away and forget about it, or go to work and have it ready when you get home.  Once they are falling off the bone and coming apart, pull out the meat and mix with your favorite BBQ sauce.  Serve on rolls of your choosing, I make dough in the bread machine and bake up some fresh rolls.  Goes fantastic with cole slaw and a nice big fat deli dill pickle!  Awesomeness!  And yes, it is really that easy... and that delicious!

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